Monday 27 September 2010

Article 58: The "Ebolo" Vegetable

By S.Olanrewaju Disu

In Lagos Area Market, the "ebolo" vegetable is uncommon i.e. it does not appear all year round. The vegetable comes out only after the arrival of the new yam, deep into the rainy season and sells like a "rare" commodity . It is botanically called "Crassocephalum rubens, Family Comopositae".

This vegetable is an erect herb that grows up to one meter in height and is widespread in the tropical lowlands. The whole young plant and the semi succulent leaves are mucilaginous and are a pot-herb eaten in soups and sauces. The leaves are slightly laxative and here in Nigeria the whole plant may be used for the cure of stomach ache. traditionally, the leaf sap is also applied to sore eyes. Among traditional herbalists, the powdered root of the plant is used to prepare a paste for external application to breast cancer patients.


(I) A section of "Wey Street" weekly farmers' market where the "Ebolo" vegetable is sold.

(II) The"Ebolo" Vegetable at close range